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    we're top sellers

    Check out Medical Marijuana Products.

    CBD Essentials
    Essential CBD Extract is formulated with organic hemp to support our bodies as we age.
    Fresh Cannabis
    Fresh leaves extracts vital antioxidants, minerals and elements found in other rich leafy greens
    Medical Pills
    Treatment of nausea and vomiting for patients in cancer treatment; appetite stimulant for AIDS patients
    Educational Materials
    Explore cannabis information including ways to consume and cultivation guides.
    Cannabis-infused Foods
    Explore a variety of savory and sweet marijuana-infused snacks.
    Cannabis Vaporizers
    Cannabis vaporizers from discreet vape pens to tabletop powerhouses.

    Everything you need for your health.

    What are the features of cannabis packaging?
    Every legal cannabis product is packaged in child-safe, tamper-proof packaging to protect youth from the harms of cannabis. Additionally, because THC is intoxicating, the package...
    How do I contact the Producer of my product?
    Should you ever need to reach them, the licensed producer of every product must provide their name and contact details on the product label, including an email address and phone number.
    Can I recycle my cannabis packaging?
    Depending on where you live, most cannabis packaging can be recycled in your curbside recycling program or at your local recycling depot.
    read more about

    People use it to get relief from their symptoms, not to try to get high.

    Cannabinoids -- the active chemicals in medical marijuana -- are similar to chemicals the body makes that are involved in appetite, memory, movement, and pain.
    Fights insomnia
    Cannabidiol (CBD) holds potent anti-anxiety and anticonvulsant properties, battling insomnia or any sleep related disorder can have crippling effects on the body and mind.
    Removes headache
    The frequency of migraines in patients who used cannabis dropped from 10.4 per month to 4.6—a number that’s both statistically and clinically significant.
    Improves mood
    Cannabis can balance and align the endocannabinoid system, which should provide relief for people who are depressed, in more ways than one.
    Increases appetite
    Dronabinol is FDA-approved for loss of appetite in people with AIDS, but not specifically for cancer. There are some small studies that show marijuana may also help improve appetite for people with cancer.
    Help with neurological conditions
    Oral cannabis extract is effective for reducing patient-centered measures of spasticity and has been approved for treating two severe forms of epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome.
    Impaired motor coordination
    Cannabis based medicinal extracts can significantly reduce the spasticity and pain associated with multiple sclerosis while having few adverse effects on patients.
    Use in treating glaucoma
    Glaucoma refers to a constellation of disease that messes up the optic nerve and can lead to vision loss and blindness. Damage occurs on account of increased intraocular pressure. Research suggests that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, may reduce intraocular pressure.
    Reducing the frequency of epilepsy
    Cannabis based medicines – and CBD-dominant products in particular – have proven to be very effective at reducing the frequency and severity of epilepsy seizures. With that said, medical cannabis should only be used in treatment resistant cases of seizures.
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    All online orders will be shipped through Purolator and delievered within 48 hours. We are unable to ship to P.O. Boxes and land locations at this time.

    Just call to our call-center

    If you have received a product that you believe is not of expected quality, please contact our Customer Support Team on +1234 567 8910


    Lite CBD Essential


    Lite CBD Essential

    Essentials, Fresh

    Long Leafs Fresh


    Dried Leafs


    Happy patients said about us.

    Read user comments about the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of Medical Marijuana and our services.

    “Medical marijuana help me with atypical facial pain. I can make plans again, work again, enjoy life again. Thanks Sativaka team for your services!.”

    “Quality products, great prices and quick shipment and delivery. CBD oils have helped my brother when pharmaceutical companies couldn't even come close.”

    “We are 100% satisfied with the services provided by this company! They continue to impress us with their never-ending innovations for this industry.”

    “I love these products. They actually are strong enough to give me results. Company is fast, and every order has been correct.”

    “I've tried a few and found that the Humulus Oil worked best for me. I have herniated discs and it totally takes the edge off.”

    “I am so happy with the products that I purchased from this companyI Highly recommend their products and their support team is wonderful!”