200 million children in the world were abused

$1,100 of $900,000 raised

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Donation Total: $200.00

Combating child malnutrition through education, early detection and treatment in an impoverished, indigenous Kaqchikel speaking community in Guatemala.


Indigenous Maya in the highlands of Guatemala suffer from disparities in health care, which especially impact children. More than 80% of children are chronically malnourished or stunted. There is a lack of access to quality pediatric health care. This project will provide preventative medical care services and treatment of stunting to 500 children under 5 years of age in Paquip, a Kaqchikel speaking town. Amounts raised over the target for Paquip will expand the program to adjoining towns


This project provides community-based screening of child growth, nutritional food supplementation with products like Incaparina and chispitas and the treatment of anemia, parasites, and other common conditions.

Long-Term Impact

With early detection and treatment of stunting, children are given the chance to grow to their full potential. Treatment of stunting also positively impacts school performance and economic and work opportunities in adulthood.

Additional Details

To support, you should make a transfer to one of the Vestry’s Foundation’s bank accounts:

  • Nordbank IBAN EE797178500010380024
  • Danski IBAN EE403300408003345300
  • SEAB IBAN EE202610201001491011
  • Swissbank IBAN EE028740221015268282
  • LDC IBAN EE078007527100710613.